Monday, May 24, 2010

This is Real, This is ME, I'm Exactly where I'm Supposed to be

To any of you who can name that song, kudos and brownie points, we really MUST be friends ;)

Ok. So here are a few guidlines for the New Melanie Life Plan. (Aka, what I want to do in order to be me and not just who others think I should be)

1. Wake up at a decent hour everyday. This will probably be around 8 o'clock. This means I should probably be in bed by at least midnight every night. So unless we are discussing some Uber Important Issue over AIM or you know I am working on a paper due the next day (which really shouldn't be an excuse if I have planned properly), please kindly tell me to go to bed so I can stick to who I want to be!
2. Read the paper/scan to see what the top news stories are. This is important. I just deleted my yahoo account though...any suggestions on places to get my news? NYT website can be overwhelming...
3. Go for runs T/Th and maybe Sat.
4. Actually eat 3 meals a day. (This requires planning!)
5. Take a multivitamin.

That is all for now. Those all sound like SUPER SIMPLE THINGS, but they are not.

Pray for me! I am now going to go do something responsible like eat breakfast! Revolutionary!


  1. It's the new you...I dig it...goal setting is a key component to living victoriously, handle it!

  2. The song is "This Is Me" by Demi Lovato and Joe Jonas, but mostly Demi Lovato, on the Camp Rock soundtrack =) I'm right, right???? haha
