Tuesday, June 8, 2010


When I think of my absolutely selfless friends and the lengths they are willing to go for me, it makes me want to cry. I am SUCH a taker, and jealous and terrible, and impatient...but they give and give and give. I am not generally a believer in the kill 'em with kindness tactic, because I grew up accustomed to hard line justice and thinking people have no souls (thank the people who raised me), but it sure works on me. Heaping coals on my head for SURE.

But honestly, I am just beyond grateful. I have dealt with some really terrible things in the past 18 hours, and I am seriously such a burden to those I complain to...except they wouldn't say that. That's why I am terrible and they're awesome...If I were them, I would think I am a burden. But they don't think that. I hope I never take them for granted. I am sure I do.

In other news, pray for me. I am trying not to let my present sadness ruin the joy of the days to come. Pray that I would stay hopeful, upbeat and thankful.

I just need to keep believing He's good. God's got me...like a tree.

...loves like a hurricane, I am a tree...


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